Jokes about Policemen

Joke 1
A policeman comes to his office and says: “People, I have a son... and it’s a boy!" 

Joke 2
A customs officer asks a conductor:
- Any alcohol, drugs, cigarettes?
- No thanks, I have mine.

Joke 3 
Two boys are talking:
Do you know  the difference between a policeman and a prick?
Suddenly from the corner a policeman emerges: What, what?
“That´s my boy!”

Joke 4
A policeman asks a young lady for a dance and asks her a question: Lady, do you also think that policemen are stupid?
No, but I have never danced on an  anthem. 

Joke 5 
A policeman stops a driver and tells her:
So, today it is for 500.
Well, - answers the lady behind the  driving wheel,  usually  I take a thousand but just because it is you...

Joke 6
Two policemen stand on the top of the Eiffel tower. One of  them says :
- From here we can see  the whole Paris. -
- Crap, then where is the Eiffel Tower?

Joke 7
What do you say when you drive over  a sleeping police officer in a sleeping bag?
- Pig in a blanket

Joke 8
Two policemen have a task to measure the height of a column. They wonder and one of them suddenly yells:
- We should knock the  column down and measure it.
The second answers:
- You jerk, we have to measure the height not the  length.

Joke 9
Two policemen need to scale the wall  and one of them says to the other:
- Make me a goat.
And the second says:
- Mee Mee Mee (sound of a goat)

Joke 10
Two policeman are walking a dog. One of them always leans and looks under the dog.
- What are you looking for?
- Well, I have heard  someone saying that there was a dog with two d!cks.